Wednesday, November 30, 2011



just LOOK at that face!!

So we had been talking (seriously and not so seriously) about adding another dog to our family.
We thought it would be fun to have "his and hers" dogs, and to let Obi have a friend.  We also hoped that another dog would pressure Obi to eat his food better (anorexic dog over here).

We are suckers for the KSL classifieds and are always browsing either the pet section or the free section and emailing each other links.

Well my friends, that is where we found Ellie. 

According to the ad, Ellie was 12 weeks old (we found out later she was actually 15 weeks). She was not living in the best situation and needed a good family to adopt her.  I immediately fell in love with her (scotty was more interested in a german shephard or something like that) and wanted to go get her.  We contacted the people who had her and got up saturday morning and drove to Tooele to get her :)

We think that she is a little bit afraid of the car b/c that is what took her away from the only place she had ever known, but she is pretty cool with it now.  I think the family who had the puppies breed their dog and try to sell the puppies for Christmas $$, but it didn't work out so well for them this year and they just needed to get rid of the puppies before they got too old. If we could have, we would have taken home her brother, too (I think my sister almost went to get him, but he found a family).

APPARENTLY her dad was/is a champion dock jumper....which I totally believe, because you should see this little puppy jump!  She is SO much more adventurous and hyper than Obi ever was at her age!

She is just as goofy though:

Ellie LOVES Obi, and I think he's a little embarassed to admit it, but Obi loves her too ;)
He is SO protective of her, but he does pick on her quite a bit.  I think he really likes having a companion and constant playmate around.  They are definitely besties!

Fortunately, we have an awesome landlord and an awesome house with an awesome yard for them to run around in and hopefully they will catch those darn gophers!  The best is when we get back from the park, however and they are EXHAUSTED, so they just go lay down in their beds and sleep like good quiet puppies!

the trick is wearing them out, though :P

Monday, November 14, 2011

relative finder

Here we go.  This is my "look how awesome Audra's family is" post ;P

Here are all the REALLY COOL people I am somehow related to (according to facebook/BYU):

a few others include George Washington, Abe Lincoln, Richard Nixon, the Bush's, Joseph Smith, a lot of European royalty, GORDON B HINCKLEY, and a lot more WAY cool people.  There are too many to name.

You should download the relative finder app on facebook and enter in your info.  It is pretty darn awesome.  Thanks Marci :)

I'm convincing scotty to log in so I can see his stuff.  Hopefully my next post isn't how me and him are related! :/ weird.  but its been known to happen.

Thomas Edison, 6th Cousin 7 times removed
Common Relative: J CRANE
From England,1599
Philo_T Farnsworth, 7th Cousin 4 times removed
Common Relative: J STEBBINS
From England,1626
Samuel Morse, 5th Cousin 7 times removed
Common Relative: M BARNARD
From MA,1614
Eli Whitney, 3rd Cousin 7 times removed
Common Relative: S FOSTER
From MA,1656

Gail (Candy Bomber) Halvorsen, 8th Cousin 3 times removed
Common Relative: R SHEPHERD
From England,1606
JonSr Huntsman, 9th Cousin 3 times removed
Common Relative: S CARPENTER
From MA,1644
The Osmonds, 9th Cousin 2 times removed
Common Relative: J CROW
From (B.England),1615
Mitt Romney, 10th Cousin 3 times removed
Common Relative: J THOMPSON
From England,1590
Jon Steven YOUNG, 10th Cousin 1 times removed
Common Relative: J CROW
From (B.England),1615

Truman Angell, 4th Cousin 6 times removed
Common Relative: J TRIPP
From England,1610
Susan Brownell ANTHONY, 5th Cousin 8 times removed
Common Relative: P SHERMAN
From England,1610
Humphrey Bogart, 8th Cousin 4 times removed
Common Relative: J PERKINS
From England,1583
Bing Crosby, 8th Cousin 4 times removed
Common Relative: H HOWLAND
From England,1604
Emily Dickenson, 7th Cousin 4 times removed
Common Relative: N DICKINSON
From CT,1600
Walt Disney, 9th Cousin 5 times removed
Common Relative: J JOHNSON
From England,1590
Thomas Edison, 6th Cousin 7 times removed
Common Relative: J CRANE
From England,1599

Philo Farnsworth, 7th Cousin 4 times removed
Common Relative: J STEBBINS
From England,1626
Jacob Hamblin, 6th Cousin 6 times removed
Common Relative: T GRANT
From England,1601
Nathaniel Hawthorne, 7th Cousin 9 times removed
Common Relative: A BUTLER
From England,1521

Russel Ballard, 9th Cousin 2 times removed
Common Relative: E FULLER
From MA,1626
David_A Bednar, 10th Cousin 1 times removed
Common Relative: J HARRINGTON
From England,1592
Robert Hales, 8th Cousin 2 times removed
Common Relative: J TRIPP
From England,1610
Jeffrey R. Holland, 8th Cousin 3 times removed
Common Relative: J SNOW
From MA,1638
Dallin Oaks, 9th Cousin 1 times removed
Common Relative: J BENEDICT
From NY,1649
Boyd Packer, 8th Cousin 3 times removed
Common Relative: G ABBOT
From England,1615
Tom Perry, 10th Cousin 1 times removed
Common Relative: J HARRINGTON
From England,1592

Oliver Cowdery, 4th Cousin 7 times removed
Common Relative: E FULLER
From MA,1626
Martin Harris, 5th Cousin 8 times removed
Common Relative: R MOWRY
From England,1612
Hyrum Smith, 5th Cousin 6 times removed
Common Relative: E FULLER
From MA,1626
Samuel_H Smith, 5th Cousin 6 times removed
Common Relative: E FULLER
From MA,1626